Preteen Ministry
The Preteen ministry at FBC Benbrook is designed to be a special preteen experience specifically for 5th and 6th graders. Preteens will be engaged in high energy Bible Studies, events, worship times, retreats, missions activities, camps and so much more. Preteens will dive into the Bible as they cover topics and issues that relate to them right now, in an environment designed just for them.
Sunday Mornings 10:00am
Our 5th & 6th graders gather in their own class in the children's building on Sunday mornings. Using the Gospel Project curriculum, preteens are able to study the Bible chronologically to see how the whole Bible points to Christ. Through their Sunday morning study time, preteens can learn about how the stories in the Bible fit together, ask big questions about what it means to follow God, and be challenged to deepen both their faith and their knowledge of God's Word.
Wednesday Nights 6:30-8pm

Wednesday nights are a special time for our 5th & 6th graders. Preteen Bible Study is a safe and fun environment designed for preteens to dive into scripture and engage in discussions that are relevant to their unique life stage. Preteens are challenged to think critically and determine how the scripture relates to themselves as they begin to develop a biblical worldview.
Preteen Bible Study Registration Night is August 28th from 6:30-7:30pm.
Preteen Bible Study begins for Fall 2024 on September 4th from 6:30-8:00pm.
Registration is in-person only.
The Preteen Christmas Party will be Wednesday, December 11th from 6:30-8:00pm!
Drop off and pick up from the 2-story building, room 113.
Preteen Bible Study follows the same calendar as our Awana program.
We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 in the school year starting 9/4 until 5/14.
Below are the dates we will not meet for 2024-2025:
11/27 - Thanksgiving break
12/18 - Christmas break
12/25 - Christmas break
1/1 - New Years break
3/19 - Spring Break