Other Events
Workout Classes
Core - 8:40-9:10 AM
30 minutes of core focused strength work. A fast paced, full body workout using body weight, free weights and bands. Get stronger with good music and good friends! Bring an exercise mat because work is on the floor and standing. Class meets in the Children’s Big Room.
$5 suggested donation (appreciated but not required.)
Senior Fit Class - 9:15-10:15 AM
A fun, no-impact workout to build strength, balance, and flexibility. This class will use chairs to help with stability and all exercises will be offered with seated options, (no getting up and down off of the floor.) Great for beginners and seniors but open to every age and level! Class meets in the Children's Big Room.
$5 suggested donation (appreciated but not required.)
Core & More - 9:00-10:00 AM
30 minutes of Core focused strength work followed by 30 minutes of balance and flexibility work. We will end with relaxation and scriptural meditation to get our spirit and body ready for the weekend! Bring and exercise mat because work is on the floor and standing. Class meets in the Children's Big Room.
$5 suggested donation (appreciated but not required.)
See Cathy Theiss for details about workout classes: (832) 746-1001
Sisters in Stitches Quilters - First and third Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm
The Sisters in Stitches group is for anyone that likes to quilt. You are also welcome if you sew, crochet, knit, or embroidery. All skill levels are welcome. Members are not professionals, we all learn from each other. We meet the first and third Wednesdays from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the old nursery area past the church offices. If there is a fifth Wednesday, we meet at 11:00 am for lunch/workday meeting. Some projects included are: soldier quilts, place-mats and dining scarves for Meals on Wheels, heart shaped pillows for breast cancer patients at local hospital, camp pillowcases for local children's hospital, and bibs for local nursing home. Projects for church members include: a quilt for all new babies, monogrammed pillowcases for preteen camp, monogrammed Bible bags for First Graders, and quilted wall hangings for bed baby SS room.
We are always looking for new members, come use your talents and fellowship with us.
Apples of Gold - Thursday nights from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Spring.
Apples of Gold is a mentoring program where six younger ladies are invited to meet with six older ladies for a seven week period.
AppleSeeds - Sunday nights from 4:00 to 7:00 pm in the Fall.
AppleSeeds is a mentoring program for 6th-7th grade girls. Women of the church come together to teach Bible studies, manners, play games, make crafts, decorate tables, cook and serve dinner, and build relationships to share the love of Christ with young girls who bridge the transition between the children's and youth ministries.
Christmas Bags for Night Shelter

Pregnancy Help Center Baby Shower
Date: TBD
Shower to collect needed items for new babies - blankets, gowns, clothing, etc.
We will have a special presentation from the PHC during this time.
Dollars for Diapers - money collected for the Pregnancy Help Center to purchase diapers at a reduced cost.
If you would like more info on the events above, please fill out the form below.
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